Future Ukraine - Scholarship programme for refugees from Ukraine at German universities
The funds will be awarded to German universities within the framework of project funding for the years 2023/2024, which will then offer individual scholarships.
For more information, please contact the International Office of the respective university directly (see list).
Funding is provided for the professional qualification of particularly high-achieving students from Ukraine who have fled to Germany to study at German universities. In addition to specific language and subject-related support and supervision services offered by the universities, the programme focuses on awarding full scholarships for students who are pursuing a degree (Bachelor’s, Master’s or doctorate). The programme also includes a return option: In this case, studies can also be continued – as far as possible – at a Ukrainian higher education institution.
Supported higher education institutions 2023/2024
RWTH Aachen
Ostbayerische TH Amberg-Weiden
HS Augsburg
U Augsburg
TU Berlin
U Bochum
U Bonn
TU Chemnitz
FH Dortmund
U Duisburg-Essen
TU Freiberg
U Gießen: MA-Stipendien, PhD-Stipendien
U Greifswald
HS Heilbronn
U Kassel
U Konstanz
HS Anhalt
FH Münster
U Regensburg
FH Schmalkalden
U Stuttgart
HS Wismar
U Würzburg